How to set up a brand?

thoroughly and strategically

We do a detailed mapping of customer needs and brand image, and help you to build a strategy for brand building and positioning.

To look after a brand requires a variety of approaches depending on what stage of the life cycle the brand is at the particular moment. We carry out thorough audits at each stage, which is a solid foundation for managing the brand life cycle.

Our tools and studies describe in detail the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, uncovering the key priorities you need to focus on. This information will help you optimise or make the brand costs and other marketing costs more efficient.

We provide unique indexes – brand equity and brand power index – which mirror the overall brand strength and value among various target groups.


We are more than happy to help you if you care about your brand.

Please contact us:
Managing Director
Stanislava Púčková
+421 917 418 201
Or we can contact you: